Lawrence Khoo博士获加州大学伯克利分校经济学学士,哈佛大学经济学博士。他曾供职于汇丰银行(新加坡)、吉尔吉斯斯坦中央银行以及菲律宾财政局。此外,他亦曾在香港中文大学教育心理学系任研究员,并在香港大学专业进修学院任教。近年来,他曾任香港城市大学访问助理教授以及经济金融学系教学质量主任。
1. "The Effects of School Closure Threats on Student Performance: Evidence from a Natural Experiment",Chiu, M. M., Joh, S. W., Khoo, L.,,2016
2. “Effects of competition on exit threats on Managerial Incentives in the Financial Industry”,with Ming Ming Chiu & Sung Wook Joh,,3(2), pp. 71-89, 2014
3. “Effects of resources, Inequality, and Privilege Bias on Achievement”,with Ming Ming Chiu,,SAGE Publications, London. 2008
4. “Effects of resources, distribution inequality, and privileged bias on achievement: Country, school, and student level analyses”,with Ming Ming Chiu,,No. 42, pp. 575-603, 2005
5. “A New Method for Analyzing Sequential Processes: Dynamic Multi-level Analysis”,with Ming Ming Chiu,,No. 36, pp. 600-631, 2005
6. “Rudeness and Status Effects During Group Problem Solving: Do They Bias Evaluations and Reduce the Likelihood of Correct Solutions?”,with Ming Ming Chiu,,95, No. 3, pp. 506-523, 2003
7. “Effects of Polite Disagreements During Group Problem Solving: Studies at Speaker Turn, Individual and Group Levels”,with Ming Ming Chiu,,17, 2002
8. “Income Inequality, Fertility Choice, and Economic Growth: Theory and Evidence”,with Benjamin Dennis,,# 687, 1999.99