Education Background
Ph.D. in Economics, Stanford University
M.A. in Planning and Management, Renmin University of China
B.S. in Mechanics, Peking University
Research Field
Lixin Ye earned his Ph.D. in Economics from Stanford University in 2001, and was appointed as an Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Full Professor in Economics at The Ohio State University since then. He is currently serving as the Director for Ph.D. Program at SME. His main research interests are in Microeconomic Theory, Market Design, Industrial Organization, and Contract Theory.
1. “Orchestrating Information Acquisition,”,with Jingfeng Lu and Xin Feng,
2. “Collusion through Coordination on Announcements”,with Joseph E. Harrington,,209-241,2019-6
3. “Efficient and Optimal Mechanisms with Radio Spectrum Sharing”,with Chenglin Zhang, Christopher Baker, Joel Johnson, and Huaiyi Wang,,60 (2018): 206–227
4. “Monopolistic Nonlinear Pricing with Consumer Entry”,with Chenglin Zhang,,12 (2017): 141–173
5. “Competitive Nonlinear Pricing and Contract Variety”,with Jian Shen and Huanxing Yang,,64(1), March 2016: 64-108
6. “Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Auctions with Negative Externalities”,with Youxin Hu, John Kagel, and Xiaoshu Xu,,82, 2013: 269-291
7. “Auctions with Entry and Resale”,with Xiaoshu Xu and Dan Levin,,79, 2013: 92-105
8. “Efficient and Optimal Mechanisms with Private Information Acquisition Costs”,with Jingfeng Lu,,148 (1), 2013: 393-408
9. “Auctions with Synergy and Resale”,with Xiaoshu Xu and Dan Levin,,41 (2), 2012: 397-426
10. “Competitive Nonlinear Taxation and Constitutional Choice”,with Massimo Morelli and Huanxing Yang,,4(1), 2012: 142-175
11. “Quality Disclosure and Competition”,with Dan Levin and James Peck,,57 (1), March 2009: 167-196
12. “Nonlinear Pricing, Market Coverage, and Competition”,with Huanxing Yang,,3, 2008: 123-153
13. “Search with Learning: Understanding Asymmetric Price Adjustments”,with Huanxing Yang,,39, 2008: 547-564
14. “Hybrid Auctions Revisited”,with Dan Levin,,99, 2008: 591-594
15. “Trademark Sales, Entry, and the Value of Reputation”,with Howard Marvel,,49, 2008: 547-576
16. “Indicative Bidding: An Experimental Analysis”,with John Kagel and Svetlana Pevnitskaya,,62, 2008: 697-721
17. “Survival Auctions”,with John Kagel and Svetlana Pevnitskaya,,33, 2007: 103-119
18. “Reserve Price Signaling”,with Hongbin Cai and John Riley,,135 (1), July 2007: 253-268
19. “Bad News Can Be Good News: Early Dropouts in an English Auction with Multi-dimensional Signals”,with Dan Levin and James Peck,,95, 2007: 462-467
20. “Indicative Bidding and A Theory of Two-Stage Auctions”,Lixin Ye,,58 (1), January 2007: 181-207
21. “On the Use of Customized vs. Standardized Performance Measures”,with Anil Arya, Jonathan Glover, and Brian Mitterdorf,,17, 2005: 7-21
22. “Optimal Auctions with Endogenous Entry”,Lixin Ye,,4(1), 2004: Article 8, 1-27
23. “Deciding Between Competition and Collusion”,with Patrick Bajari,,85(4), November 2003: 971-989
24. “Procurement Design with Optimal Sequential R&D”,with Jingfeng Lu and Xin Feng,
25. “A Solution for Games with Inadequate Information”,with Liang Mao,
26. “Competitive Nonlinear Income Taxation Revisited”,with John Wilson and Chenglin Zhang,
27. “Refinements in Discrete and Continuous Type Models: Local Credibility Test”,with Hongbin Cai and John Riley,