Education Background

Ph.D. in Economics, MIT, 1990

M.S. in Mathematics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 1985

B.S. in Mathematics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 1982

Research Field

Econometrics, Empirical industrial organization, Empirical finance, The Chinese economy


Dr. Chunrong Ai is Professor of Economics and Presidential Chair Professor in the School of Management and Economics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. He is the Director of the Social and Behavioral Big Data Lab at The Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data and Associate Director of Shenzhen Finance Institute. Before that, he was Professor of Economics and Florida Term Professor at the University of Florida. He was the founding Dean of the Institute of Statistics and Big Data, Renmin University of China, and the founding Dean of the School of Statistics and Management, Senior Associate Dean of the Institute for Advanced Research and Associate Dean of Business School, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.  

Dr. Ai’s primary research interests are in the area of econometrics, empirical industrial organization, empirical finance, and Chinese economy. Recently he focused on the interdisciplinary research between data science and behavioral big data. His research outputs are published in the reputable scholarly journals. 

PUBLICATION (2011 – 2021)

Refereed Journal Articles  

1.      Chunrong Ai, Li-Hsien Sun, Zheng Zhang and Liping Zhu (2022). Testing Unconditional and Conditional Independence via Mutual Information. Accepted in Journal of Econometrics.

2.      Chunrong Ai, Oliver Linton, Zheng Zhang (2022). Efficient Estimation of Counterfactual Distributions and Distributional Effect with General Treatment.  Forthcoming in Journal of Econometrics.

3.      Chunrong Ai, Lukang Huang, Zheng Zhang (2022). Efficient Estimation of Average Treatment Effects in the Presence of Unmeasured Confounders. Statistica Sinica 32:1-20.

4.      Chunrong Ai, Oliver Linton, Kaiji Motegi, Zheng Zhang (2021). A Unified Framework for Efficient Estimation of General Treatment Models. Quantitative Economics 12:779-816

5.      Chunrong Ai, Lukang Huang, Zheng Zhang (2020). A Mann-Whitney test of distributional effects in a multivalued treatment. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 209:85-100.

6.      Shi Yafeng, Ying Tingting, Yanlong Shi, Ai Chunrong (2020). A comparison of conditional predictive ability of implied volatility and realized measures in forecasting volatility. Journal of Forecasting 39:1025-1034.

7.      Chunrong Ai, Oliver Linton and Zheng Zhang (2020). A Simple and Efficient Estimation Method for Models with Nonignorable Missing Data. Statistica Sinica 30:1949-1970

8.      Chunrong Ai, Yuanqing Zhang (2017). Estimation of Partially Specified Spatial Panel Data Models with Fixed-Effects. Econometric Reviews, 36:6-22

9.      Chunrong Ai, Hongjun Li, Zhongjian Lin, Meixia Meng (2015). Semiparametric Panel Data Truncated Regression Model with Fixed Effects. Journal of Econometrics,188:316-326.

10.      Chunrong Ai, Meixia Meng (2015). Endogeneity in Semiparametric Panel Binary Choice Model. Econometric Reviews, 34:798-826.

11.  Chunrong Ai, Jinhong You, Yong Zhou (2014). Estimation of Fixed Effects Panel Data Partially Linear Additive Regression Models. Econometrics Journal 17, 83-106.

12.  Meixia Meng, Chunrong Ai (2013). Some Uniform Convergence Results for Kernel Estimators. Science China 56:1945-1956.

13.  Chunrong Ai, Qiong Zhou (2012). Estimation of Censored Regression Model: A Simulation Study. Frontiers of Economics in China 7, 499-518.

14.  Chunrong Ai, Meixia Meng (2012). A Root-N Consistent Estimator for Some Fixed-effects Panel Data Sample Selection Models. Economics Letters, 116(3), 411-413. 

15.  Chunrong Ai, Xiaohong Chen (2012). The Semiparametric Efficiency Bound for Models of Sequential Moment Restrictions Containing Unknown Functions. Journal of Econometrics, 170(2), 442-457

16.  Chunrong Ai, Meixia Meng (2011). A Locally Linear Estimation of Regression Discontinuity. Frontiers of Economics in China 6, 495-506.

17.  Chunrong Ai, Jinhong You, Yong Zhou (2011). Statistical Inference Using a Weighted Difference-Based Series Approach for Partially Linear Regression Models. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 102(3), 601 – 618.

Refereed Journal Articles (in Chinese)

18.  孟美侠 李培鑫 艾春荣 何青 (2019)“城市工资溢价:群聚、禀赋和集聚经济效应—基于近邻匹配法的估计”,经济学(季刊)2, 505-526。

19.  许玲丽,龚关,艾春荣(2016)“幸福,赚钱还是花钱?”,财经研究  6。

20.  施雅丰,艾春荣 (2016)“中国股市波动率的广义周内特征及其预测模型”,系统工程理论与实践 36(8), 1918-1927。

21.  许玲丽、艾春荣(2016)“高等教育回报的质量差异—对部属、省属与地方高校的比较研究”,经济理论与经济管理, 6(8), 102-112。

22.  艾春荣,张奕,崔长峰(2015)“债券流动性与违约风险相关性溢价及实证研究” , 管理科学学报,8, 87-94。

23.  汪伟,艾春荣 (2015)“人口老龄化与中国储蓄率的动态演化”,管理世界  6, 47-62。

24.  卢晶亮,冯帅章,艾春荣(2014)“自然灾害及政府救助对农户收入与消费的影响:来自汶川大地震的经验”,经济学季刊  13,745-766。

25.  谢震,艾春荣 (2014)“分析师关注与公司研发投入:基于中国创业板公司的分析”, 财经研究 40(2),108-119。

26.  张奕,艾春荣,洪占卿 (2014)“信用评级与银行风险管理”,金融论坛, 50-59。

27.  汪伟,艾春荣,曹晖(2013) “税费改革对农村居民消费的影响研究”, 管理世界, 89-100。

28.  王成勇,艾春荣(2013) “基于强混合数据的半参数平滑转换回归模型”, 应用概率统计,  348-362。

29.  周建,艾春荣,王丹枫,唐莹(2013) “中国农村消费与收入的结构效应”, 经济研究,  122-133。

30.  汪伟,郭新强,艾春荣(2013) “融资约束、劳动收入份额下降与中国低消费”, 经济研究, 100-113。

31.  方勇,周勇,艾春荣(2012) “究竟是”热手效应“还是”赌徒缪误“主导着市场情绪?--来自中国股票市场的证据”,管理评论。

32.  艾春荣,张奕(2012) “中国A股市场存在“信用风险悖论”吗?”, 财经研究,  59-68。

PUBLICATION (before 2011)

Refereed Journal Articles 

33.  Chunrong Ai, Li Gan (2010). An Alternative Root-N Consistent Estimator for Panel Binary Choice Model. Journal of Econometrics 157(1), 93-100.

34.  Chunrong Ai, Edward Norton (2008). A Semiparametric Derivative Estimator in Log Transformation Models. Econometrics Journal 11(3), 538-553.

35.  Chunrong Ai (2007). Seminonparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Conditional Moment Restrictions Models. International Economic Review 48(4), 1093 - 1118.

36.  Chunrong Ai, Xiaohong Chen (2007). Estimation of Possibly Misspecified Semiparametric Conditional Moment Restriction Models with Different Conditioning Variables. Journal of Econometrics 141, 5 – 43.

37.  Chunrong Ai, Arjun Chatrath, Frank Song (2007). A Semiparametric Estimation of Optimal Hedge Ratio. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 47, 366 – 381.

38.  J.L. Arcand, F. Ethier, Chunrong Ai (2007). Moral Hazard and Marshallian Inefficiency: Evidence from Tunisia. Journal of Development Economics 83(2), 411-445.

39.  Chunrong Ai, Arjun Chatrath, Frank Song (2006). On the Comovement of Commodity Prices. The American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 88(3), 574 – 588.  

40.  Chunrong Ai, Mei Wen (2005). Ownership and Sector performance in Present-day China: A Regional Study. Pacific Economic Review 10(4), 471 – 484.

41.  Chunrong Ai, David Sappington (2004). Incentive Regulation and Telecommunication Service Quality. Journal of Regulatory Economics 26, 263 – 286. 

42.  Chunrong Ai, David Sappington (2005). Reviewing the Impact of Incentive Regulation on U.S. Telephone Service Quality. Utilities Policy 13, 201 – 210.

43. Chunrong Ai, Edward Norton, Hua      Wang (2004). Computing      interaction effects and standard errors in logit and probit models. The Stata Journal 4, 154 – 167.

44.  Chunrong Ai, Xiaohong Chen (2003). Efficient Estimation of Models with Conditional Moment Restrictions Containing Unknown Functions. Econometrica 71, 1795-1843.    

45.  Chunrong Ai, Edward Norton (2003). The Interaction Terms in Logit and Probit Models. Economic Letters, 80, 123-129.

46.  Chunrong Ai, David Sappington (2002). The Impact of the State Incentive Regulations on the U.S. Telecommunication Industry. Journal of Regulatory Economics 22, 133-160.    

47.  Chunrong Ai (2001). Consistent Specification Tests for Regression Models. Annals of Economics and Finance, 2, 31-58.  

48.  Chunrong Ai (2001). A Modified Average Derivatives Estimator. Econometric Reviews, 20(1), 113-131.   

49.  Chunrong Ai, Edward Norton (2000). Standard Errors of Log-transformation Models with Heteroscedasticity. Journal of Health Economics, 19, 697-718.  

50.  Chunrong Ai, JL Arcand (1998). Moral Hazard and Marshallian Inefficiency: Evidence from Tunisia. L'actualite Economique, 74 (3), 315-342.

51.  Chunrong Ai (1997). On Public Capital Analysis with State Data”, Economics Letters, 57, 209-212

52.  Chunrong Ai (1997). An Improved Estimator for Models With Randomly Missing Data”, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 7, 331-347.

53.  Chunrong Ai (1997). A Semiparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimator. Econometrica, 65(4), 933-963.

54.  Chunrong Ai, Daniel McFadden (1997). Estimation of Some Partially Specified Nonlinear Models. Journal of Econometrics, 76, 1-37.

55.  Chunrong Ai, Steve Cassou (1996). Equivalence of the Standard and the Modified Switching Regression Models. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 78, 365-366.

56.  Chunrong Ai, Steve Cassou (1995). A Normative Analysis of Public Capital. Applied Economics, 27, 1201-1209.

57.  Chunrong Ai (1995). A Positive Semi-Definite Covariance Matrix for Hausman Specification Tests of Conditional and Marginal Densities. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 57(2), 277-281.

58.  Chunrong Ai (1994). A Semiparametric Efficiency Bound of A Disequilibrium Model without Observed Regime. Journal of Econometrics, 62, 143-163.

59.  Chunrong Ai, Steve Cassou (1993). A Diagnostic Test without Numerical Integration. Economics Letters, 42, 129-132; Erratum: 46, 1994, 181-182.

60.  Chunrong Ai, Chaoying Chen (1992). Estimation of A Fixed Effects Bivariate Censored Regression Models. Economics Letters, 40, 403-406.

Refereed Journal Articles (in Chinese)

61.  柯蓉,张芳,艾春荣 (2010)“空间数据分析的发展”,统计与信息论坛,11-15。

62.  王成勇,艾春荣 (2010) “有结构变化的半参数回归模型及其级数估计”, 应用数学, 501-514,

63.  艾春荣,汪伟(2010) “非农就业与持久收入假说:理论和实证”, 管理世界  1,  8-22.

64.  王成勇,艾春荣(2010) “中国经济周期阶段的非线性平滑转换”, 经济研究,  78-90。

65.  林相森,艾春荣(2009) “对中国医疗服务利用不平等问题的实证检验”, 中国人口科学,  86-95.

66.  王成勇,艾春荣,王少平(2009) “PPP在中国的在检验—基于ESTAR和ARB-STR模型”, 统计研究, 88-95。

67.  艾春荣,汪伟(2008) “中国居民储蓄率的变化及其原因分析”,湖北经济学院学报,5-10。

68.  林相森,艾春荣(2008) “我国居民医疗需求影响因素的实证分析—有序probit模型的半参数估计”, 统计研究  9,  40-45。

69.  李文星,徐长生,艾春荣(2008) “中国人口年龄结构和剧名消费:19989 – 2004”, 经济研究 7, 118-129。

70.  艾春荣,汪伟(2008) “习惯偏好下的中国居民消费的过度敏感性—基于1995-2005年省际动态面板数据的分析”, 数量技术经济  9, 98-114。

71.  艾春荣,冯帅章,吴玉玲(2007) “微观统计数据的公布及相应的保密方法”, 统计研究 6,118-129。

72.  杨继生,王少平,艾春荣(2006) “工具变量法综列单位根检验的有偏性及其修正”, 数量技术经济 23, 138-147。

73.  艾春荣,文玫 (2004)“当前中国工业中不同所有制部门生产和业绩的比较:截面数据分析”,民营经济与中国发展,。